1.  Clone this github repository into YOUR OWN repository
  2. and Edit the link in the  Readme.md file from https://www.herokucdn.com/deploy/button.svg)](https://heroku.com/deploy?template=https://github.com/dugjason/superset-on-heroku to the link in YOUR OWN CLONED repository eg. https://www.herokucdn.com/deploy/button.svg)](https://heroku.com/deploy?template=https://github.com/benadaba/hrmr
  3. Now scroll down and COMMIT (save) the changes
  4. ALSO edit the requirements.txt file and include any database requirements you want installed . eg pymssql==2.1.3, pyodbc==4.0.21 (this version was generating an error , so you can search a version which will work for you)
  5. ALTERNATIVELY you can follow the GIT steps here to create empty repository in your ONLINE GITHUB ,  then create a LOCAL git repository on your own local computer and clone the files this repository into the local repository , THEN edit the LINK as above and ALSO add any database requirements you need example pymssql==2.1.3, pyodbc==4.0.21, etc all LOCALLY and  PUSH the changes BACK to YOUR OWN online GIT repository.
  6. Now , you can GO to YOUR OWN online github page eg Go to github page: https://github.com/benadaba/hrmr and then start your superset heroku installation
  7. (THIS MEANS, YOU CAN ADD ANY REQUIREMENTS OR CHANGES YOU want to the runtime.txt and other files before actually using the ONE-CLICK install . This is because sometimes once they are installed on heroku, it is a bit combursome to effect changes to them. But be sure, you know what you are doing before you do any changes to these files)
  8. Follow instructions and use the one-click button to install the superset on heroku.
  9. Follow Heroku onscreen instructions to install.
  10. Once installation is complete come back to the this (YOUR CLONED GITHUB REPOSITORY VERSION ) page https://github.com/benadaba/hrmr and follow the “After deployment” instructions. You can CLONE to a NEW LOCAL directory or same one if you use the ALTERNATIVE method above
  11. When you face the error ‘You appear to have cloned an empty repository’  visit this page to solve the ‘You appear to have cloned an empty repository’ when using `heroku git:clone`
  12. After cloning to your LOCAL repository . Follow the steps here https://github.com/benadaba/hrmr to create an admin USER
  13. After you create your Admin user , you can now log into your app and start configuring to your requirements
  14. IF you want to MAKE further changes once you app is live, you will have to do that via heroku git
  15. Follow instructions in the DEPLOYING WITH GIT here on how to make changes locally and push to heroku git
  16. For an existing heroku app ( which will in our case , since our app is already existing ) we can set our LOCAL directory where we will be making the LOCAL changes to point to the heroku git as described here
  17. Before you can push changes you will first have to add the changes, by using git command “git add .”
  18. You can check the status after adding any changes by git , using the “git status” command
  19. Then you will have to commit the changes using “git commit -m [message for the chanage] “
  20. Then push your changes to the heroku master.

Hope this helps.


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