This is a just a bit of addition to a previous post, by formatting the Excel output further using the Python XlsxWriter package.

The additions are :

  1. Colour formatting has been added to the Total Cost column
  2. The “Total Cost” has been given a money formatting
  3. The above uses row : column numeric values instead of cell referencing
  4. Writing a static text or group of text at the bottom of the report generation and formatting it.Visualization Dashboard


In [111]:
import sqlalchemy
import pyodbc
from pandas import DataFrame
from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show
import pandas as pd
from xlsxwriter.utility import xl_rowcol_to_cell


In [112]:
df = DataFrame

## connect to SqlServer Database and get information. 

    import urllib
    params = urllib.quote_plus("DRIVER={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};SERVER=.\MSSQLSERVER_ENT;DATABASE=Antrak;Trusted_Connection=yes;")

    engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('mssql+pyodbc:///?odbc_connect=%s"' % params)
    resoverall = engine.execute("SELECT top 10 * FROM FlightBookingsMain")

    df = df(resoverall.fetchall())
    df.columns = resoverall.keys()

except (RuntimeError, TypeError, NameError):
    print('Error in Conneccting')
    print(RuntimeError, TypeError, NameError)


In [113]:
#lets look at the head of the dataframe


First Name Last Name Sex Phone Fax Email Address Booking Date Departure Date Arrival Date Address1 Number of Passengers Total Cost Currency Numeric Code Company website Flight ID Number Flight Booking ID Insurance AFP Flight Name Age
0 Ellis Harris m 077 5665 3370 077 5665 3373 2012-12-18 2011-07-16 2000-08-23 63 Hull Road 2 983 710 4111113236285560 1 16 62 ZAR 62
1 Aaron Field m 079 6068 9016 079 6068 9015 2014-10-28 2005-02-26 2000-07-30 42 Russell Rd 9 2452 710 4111110402728960 2 83 38 ZAR 44
2 Archie Kaur m 070 3056 9804 070 3056 9809 2003-11-17 2000-12-05 2007-03-07 10 Southend Avenue 8 1710 710 4111110879255550 3 54 58 ZAR 60
3 Bradley Middleton m 070 0765 7814 070 0765 7816 2013-07-18 2011-02-26 2015-10-25 32 Pier Road 6 518 710 4111111855573320 4 72 43 ZAR 66
4 Evan Reeves m 070 8266 4451 070 8266 4458 2006-07-20 2006-06-20 2001-02-25 75 Moulton Road 7 1943 710 4111113022178850 5 68 52 ZAR 38

5 rows × 25 columns

In [114]:
#lets define the bokeh figure, and declare the x axis as type datetime

p = figure(width=800, height=350, x_axis_type="datetime")


In [115]:

#lots plot both a circle and line graph['Booking Date'], df['AFP'], size=4, color='darkgrey', alpha=0.2, legend='close')
p.line(df['Booking Date'], df['Total Cost'], color='navy', legend='avg')


<bokeh.models.renderers.GlyphRenderer at 0xc8c00b8>
In [116]:
# show the results


In [117]:
# bokeh server plotting
#sample server plotting code from bokeh

#from bokeh.plotting import figure, show, output_server

#p = figure(title="Server Plot")[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6])




In [ ]:

I came across this brilliant analyis by pbpython. and decided to play around with it on this data. you can see the full code and explanation on his website: To I have added just a little bit of some extra exploration, the key and major analysis are from pbpython so you can check him out.

For convenience sake, let’s define the SEX column as a category and set the order we want to view.

This isn’t strictly required but helps us keep the order we want as we work through analyzing the data.

In [118]:
df['Sex'] = df['Sex'].astype('category')
df['Sex'].cat.set_categories(['m','f'], inplace=True)


The simplest pivot table must have a dataframe and an index . In this case, let’s use the Name as our index.

In [119]:
df['Booking Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Booking Date'])


In [120]:
#get year from date

df['year'] = df['Booking Date'].apply(lambda x: x.year)


In [121]:
#get month from date

df['month'] = df['Booking Date'].apply(lambda x: x.month)


In [122]:


First Name Last Name Sex Phone Fax Email Address Booking Date Departure Date Arrival Date Address1 Currency Numeric Code Company website Flight ID Number Flight Booking ID Insurance AFP Flight Name Age year month
0 Ellis Harris NaN 077 5665 3370 077 5665 3373 2012-12-18 2011-07-16 2000-08-23 63 Hull Road 710 4111113236285560 1 16 62 ZAR 62 2012 12
1 Aaron Field NaN 079 6068 9016 079 6068 9015 2014-10-28 2005-02-26 2000-07-30 42 Russell Rd 710 4111110402728960 2 83 38 ZAR 44 2014 10
2 Archie Kaur NaN 070 3056 9804 070 3056 9809 2003-11-17 2000-12-05 2007-03-07 10 Southend Avenue 710 4111110879255550 3 54 58 ZAR 60 2003 11
3 Bradley Middleton NaN 070 0765 7814 070 0765 7816 2013-07-18 2011-02-26 2015-10-25 32 Pier Road 710 4111111855573320 4 72 43 ZAR 66 2013 7
4 Evan Reeves NaN 070 8266 4451 070 8266 4458 2006-07-20 2006-06-20 2001-02-25 75 Moulton Road 710 4111113022178850 5 68 52 ZAR 38 2006 7

5 rows × 27 columns

In [123]:
#get all data less than a particular date
df[df['Booking Date']<'2014-10-28']


First Name Last Name Sex Phone Fax Email Address Booking Date Departure Date Arrival Date Address1 Currency Numeric Code Company website Flight ID Number Flight Booking ID Insurance AFP Flight Name Age year month
0 Ellis Harris NaN 077 5665 3370 077 5665 3373 2012-12-18 2011-07-16 2000-08-23 63 Hull Road 710 4111113236285560 1 16 62 ZAR 62 2012 12
2 Archie Kaur NaN 070 3056 9804 070 3056 9809 2003-11-17 2000-12-05 2007-03-07 10 Southend Avenue 710 4111110879255550 3 54 58 ZAR 60 2003 11
3 Bradley Middleton NaN 070 0765 7814 070 0765 7816 2013-07-18 2011-02-26 2015-10-25 32 Pier Road 710 4111111855573320 4 72 43 ZAR 66 2013 7
4 Evan Reeves NaN 070 8266 4451 070 8266 4458 2006-07-20 2006-06-20 2001-02-25 75 Moulton Road 710 4111113022178850 5 68 52 ZAR 38 2006 7
6 Harley Carroll NaN 077 5239 3650 077 5239 3659 2008-12-18 2007-09-28 2004-10-05 71 Stone St 710 4111111662317450 7 83 79 ZAR 60 2008 12
7 Christopher Gibson NaN 077 3549 4164 077 3549 4169 2008-01-28 2011-05-04 2006-01-19 78 Bootham Terrace 710 4111112798242170 8 75 57 ZAR 60 2008 1
8 Isobel Holden NaN 079 2946 6947 079 2946 6946 2001-12-15 2009-05-25 2007-04-20 71 Front St 710 4111114862347230 9 91 99 ZAR 27 2001 12
9 Alfie Bolton NaN 079 4864 1114 079 4864 1112 2006-05-05 2002-11-29 2012-08-06 57 Ockham Road 710 4111111081803270 10 83 31 ZAR 30 2006 5

8 rows × 27 columns

In [124]:
year_plot = pd.pivot_table(df, index=['year'])


AFP Age Flight Booking ID Insurance Number of Passengers Postcode Total Cost month
2001 99.0 27.0 9.0 91.0 6.0 0.0 978.0 12.0
2003 58.0 60.0 3.0 54.0 8.0 0.0 1710.0 11.0
2006 41.5 34.0 7.5 75.5 7.0 0.0 2346.5 6.0
2008 68.0 60.0 7.5 79.0 8.5 0.0 2751.5 6.5
2012 62.0 62.0 1.0 16.0 2.0 0.0 983.0 12.0
2013 43.0 66.0 4.0 72.0 6.0 0.0 518.0 7.0
2014 38.0 44.0 2.0 83.0 9.0 0.0 2452.0 10.0
2015 14.0 46.0 6.0 55.0 6.0 0.0 1271.0 7.0
In [125]:
p.line(df['year'], df['Total Cost'], color='darkgrey', alpha=0.2, legend='year plot')


In [126]:
pv_result = pd.pivot_table(df, index=['Last Name'])


In [127]:


AFP Age Flight Booking ID Insurance Number of Passengers Postcode Total Cost month year
Last Name
Bolton 31.0 30.0 10.0 83.0 7.0 0.0 2750.0 5.0 2006.0
Carroll 79.0 60.0 7.0 83.0 10.0 0.0 3869.0 12.0 2008.0
Field 38.0 44.0 2.0 83.0 9.0 0.0 2452.0 10.0 2014.0
Gibson 57.0 60.0 8.0 75.0 7.0 0.0 1634.0 1.0 2008.0
Harris 62.0 62.0 1.0 16.0 2.0 0.0 983.0 12.0 2012.0
Holden 99.0 27.0 9.0 91.0 6.0 0.0 978.0 12.0 2001.0
Kaur 36.0 53.0 4.5 54.5 7.0 0.0 1490.5 9.0 2009.0
Middleton 43.0 66.0 4.0 72.0 6.0 0.0 518.0 7.0 2013.0
Reeves 52.0 38.0 5.0 68.0 7.0 0.0 1943.0 7.0 2006.0

You can have multiple indexes as well. In fact, most of the pivot_table args can take multiple values via a list.

In [128]:
pd.pivot_table(df, index=['Last Name','Booking Date','Departure Date'])


AFP Age Flight Booking ID Insurance Number of Passengers Postcode Total Cost month year
Last Name Booking Date Departure Date
Bolton 2006-05-05 2002-11-29 31 30 10 83 7 0 2750 5 2006
Carroll 2008-12-18 2007-09-28 79 60 7 83 10 0 3869 12 2008
Field 2014-10-28 2005-02-26 38 44 2 83 9 0 2452 10 2014
Gibson 2008-01-28 2011-05-04 57 60 8 75 7 0 1634 1 2008
Harris 2012-12-18 2011-07-16 62 62 1 16 2 0 983 12 2012
Holden 2001-12-15 2009-05-25 99 27 9 91 6 0 978 12 2001
Kaur 2003-11-17 2000-12-05 58 60 3 54 8 0 1710 11 2003
2015-07-01 2008-01-05 14 46 6 55 6 0 1271 7 2015
Middleton 2013-07-18 2011-02-26 43 66 4 72 6 0 518 7 2013
Reeves 2006-07-20 2006-06-20 52 38 5 68 7 0 1943 7 2006

For this purpose, the Flight Booking ID, Insurance and Postcode columns aren’t really useful. Let’s remove it by explicitly defining the columns we care about using the values field.

In [129]:


In [130]:
sum_all =pd.pivot_table(df, index=['Last Name'], values=['Total Cost','AFP','Age'], aggfunc= np.sum)


AFP Age Total Cost
Last Name
Bolton 31 30 2750
Carroll 79 60 3869
Field 38 44 2452
Gibson 57 60 1634
Harris 62 62 983
Holden 99 27 978
Kaur 72 106 2981
Middleton 43 66 518
Reeves 52 38 1943

The price column automatically averages the data but we can do a count or a sum. Adding them is simple using aggfunc and np.sum .

In [131]:
ttlcost = pd.pivot_table(df, index=['Last Name'], values=['Total Cost'], aggfunc=np.sum)


Total Cost
Last Name
Bolton 2750
Carroll 3869
Field 2452
Gibson 1634
Harris 983
Holden 978
Kaur 2981
Middleton 518
Reeves 1943

aggfunc can take a list of functions. Let’s try a mean using the numpy mean function and len to get a count.

In [132]:
len_sum = pd.pivot_table(df, index=['Last Name'], values=['Total Cost'], aggfunc =[np.sum,len])


sum len
Total Cost Total Cost
Last Name
Bolton 2750 1
Carroll 3869 1
Field 2452 1
Gibson 1634 1
Harris 983 1
Holden 978 1
Kaur 2981 2
Middleton 518 1
Reeves 1943 1

I think one of the confusing points with the pivot_table is the use of columns and values . Remember, columns are optional – they provide an additional way to segment the actual values you care about. The aggregation functions are applied to the values you list.

In [133]:
# function to put dataframe on same worksheet # 2 frames per line
#format1 = workbook.add_format()

def multiple_dfsUp(df_list, sheets, file_name, spaces):
    writer = pd.ExcelWriter(file_name,engine='xlsxwriter')
    row = 0  # for row to insert data at in the excel
    col = 0  # for columns to insert data at in the excel
    rowtostart = 0
    increase = 0 #incrementer
    number_rows = 0 # total number of rows / length for the dataframe
    old_length = 0 # the last row/column pair where last insert / formatting was done
    for dataframe in df_list:
            row = rowtostart
            col = 0
            rowtostart = rowtostart- 4
            ttlcost_pos = 0
            old_position =0 # last position where totalcost was located
        dataframe.to_excel(writer,sheet_name=sheets,startrow=row , startcol=col)
        number_rows = len(dataframe.index) #total rows length for the current dataframe
        workbook =
        worksheet = writer.sheets[sheets] #get access to the sheets
        #Add a number format for cells with money
        money_fmt = workbook.add_format({'num_format':'$#,##0','bold':True})

        #Add a percent a format with  1 decimal point
        percent_fmt = workbook.add_format({'num_format':'0.0%','bold':True})
        format2 = workbook.add_format({'bg_color': '#C6EFCE',
                               'font_color': '#006100'})
        #get index position for total cost
        ttlcost_pos = dataframe.columns.get_loc("Total Cost") + ttlcost_pos +1
        #get the count of rows
        #for column in range(len(dataframe.columns)):
        #print('dataframe INNER ',column)
        #cell location 
        #print('DATAFRAME ', dataframe)
        start_range = xl_rowcol_to_cell(row+1, ttlcost_pos)
        #print('START range ', increase, start_range) #debugging
        #print('START row number ', increase, row) #debugging
        #print('START ttlcost_pos ', increase, ttlcost_pos)   #debugging
        end_range = xl_rowcol_to_cell(number_rows+row, ttlcost_pos)
        #print('END range ',increase, end_range)#debugging
        ttlcost_range = start_range + ":" + end_range
        ttlcost_color_range = ttlcost_range
        #print('TOTAL RANGE ', increase, ttlcost_range) #debugging
        #apply money formatting to total cost
        worksheet.conditional_format(ttlcost_range, {'type': 'cell',
                                         'criteria': '>',
                                         'value': 0,
                                         'format': money_fmt})
        # Highlight the top 5 values in Green
        worksheet.conditional_format(ttlcost_color_range, {'type': 'top',
                                           'value': '5',
                                           'format': format2})
        col = col + len(dataframe.columns) + spaces + 1
        rowtostart = rowtostart + len(dataframe.index) + spaces + 1
        increase = increase + 1
        #print('length of df',len(dataframe.columns)) #debugging
           #ttlcost_pos = ttlcost_pos + spaces + 1
           ttlcost_pos = old_position +len(dataframe.columns)  + spaces + 1
           ttlcost_pos = len(dataframe.columns) + spaces + 1
        old_position = ttlcost_pos # old position to hold
    from datetime import datetime
    import xlsxwriter
    bold = workbook.add_format({'bold': 1})
    # Write some data headers.
    worksheet.write('A31', 'Item', bold)
    worksheet.write('B31', 'Date', bold)
    worksheet.write('C31', 'Cost', bold)
    # Add an Excel date format.
    date_format = workbook.add_format({'num_format': 'mmmm d yyyy'})
    expenses = (
     ['Rent', '2013-01-13', 1000],
     ['Gas',  '2013-01-14',  100],
     ['Food', '2013-01-16',  300],
     ['Gym',  '2013-01-20',   50],
    row = 31
    col = 0

    for item, date_str, cost in (expenses):
        # Convert the date string into a datetime object.
        date = datetime.strptime(date_str, "%Y-%m-%d")

        worksheet.write_string  (row, col,     item              )
        worksheet.write_datetime(row, col + 1, date, date_format  )
        worksheet.write_number  (row, col + 2, cost, money_fmt)
        row += 1

    # Write a total using a formula.
    worksheet.write(row, 0, 'Total', bold)
    worksheet.write(row, 2, '=SUM(C32:C35)', money_fmt)
    chart = workbook.add_chart({'type': 'column'})

# list of dataframes


In [ ]:
In [134]:
dfs = [ttlcost,sum_all, pv_result, year_plot]
multiple_dfsUp(dfs, 'report', 'test1.xlsx', 1)


In [135]:



the index in the dataframe is not counted as part of the rows in excel when you visualize in excel. hence if you have one index and though it appears like there are 2 rows in excel when you view it, the first column is only the “index” and actually only one single column is counted



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