Presenting your report in an interactive and user-friendly way is a very effective communicative tool which can help you convey message to your audience easily.
R is a very powerful analytic tool which helps you to do that with the “shiny” package.
Here, I simply look at an app about the Mining Fields Evaluation which was part of a lesson I went through.
The structure of the code is briefly outlined below.
The final shiny app and the associated csv file for the app can all be access here: Mining Field Evaluation Shiny App
Firstly, we import the needed libraries.
Secondly, we define the 3 main components of our shiny app we need, which are :
a. the server component,
b. the user interface component
c. the shiny app component
Thirdly, we build our various components. I will not be going into the very details of building the various sections. However, the entire code can be found below:
#mining evaluation library(shiny) library(readr) library(DT) library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) library(shinyjs) #server component server <- function(input, output, sessions){ #read in the dataset. df <- read_delim("course_proj_data.csv",delim=";") #replace spaces in column names names(df) <- gsub(" ","_",names(df)) #call the shiny reactive function to respond to user's selections on the plot df_with_score <- reactive({ user_selection <- input$plot_brush if(length(input$plot_brush)>0){ sel = df %>% mutate(Score = (G1* input$grade1) + (G2 * input$grade2)+ (G3 * input$grade3))%>% mutate(ScoreRank = if_else(Score > 100,"High", if_else(Score >= 80 && Score < 100,"Medium","Low"))) sel1 = brushedPoints(sel,user_selection) }else{ df %>% mutate(Score = (G1* input$grade1) + (G2 * input$grade2)+ (G3 * input$grade3))%>% mutate(ScoreRank = if_else(Score > 100,"High", if_else(Score >= 80 && Score < 100,"Medium","Low"))) } }) #call the renderPlot function to send back plot to the user interface component output$plot <- renderPlot({ ggplot(df_with_score())+ aes(x=Score, y=MarketCap_in_M)+ geom_point()+ geom_smooth(method="lm")+ labs(title = "Evaluation of Mining Sites based on Total Grade of Fields", x = "Total Grade of Fields", y= "Market Capital Valuation in Millions") }) #call the DataTable to send back a table with any user selections back to the user interface output$table <- DT:: renderDataTable(DT::datatable(df_with_score())) #call the shinyApp download function handler to download the data customer selected. output$download_data <- downloadHandler( filename = function(){ paste("mining_filed_scores_", Sys.Date(), ".csv",sep = "") }, content = function(file){ write.csv(df_with_score(), file) } ) #send the raw data to the output for user download output$table1 <- DT::renderDataTable(DT::datatable(df)%>% formatCurrency("MarketCap_in_M","£") ) #function to set the raw-data name and downloaded filename output$download_raw_data <- downloadHandler( filename = function(){ paste("mining_field_evaluation_rawdata_",Sys.Date(), ".csv",sep = "") }, content = function(file){ write.csv(df,file) } ) } #user interface component ui <- navbarPage("The Mining Stock Scale", tabPanel("ADJUST YOUR MINING STOCKS", h3("Select the Score for Each Grade"), sliderInput(inputId = "grade1", label = "Weight on Grade 1", value = 6, min =0 , max= 20, animate = TRUE , width = "50%"), sliderInput(inputId = "grade2", label = "Weight on Grade 2", value = 2, min = 0, max = 15, animate = T, width = "50%"), sliderInput(inputId = "grade3", label = "Weigth on Grade 3", value =0.5, min = 0, max =5, step = 0.5,animate = T, width="50%"), br(""), h1("Market Capital Valuation in Millions Chart"), plotOutput("plot", brush = "plot_brush"), br(""), h1("Summary Table") ,DT::dataTableOutput("table"), downloadButton(outputId = "download_data",label = "Download Table Data")), tabPanel("DOCUMENTATION", h3(a(href="", target="_blank", "Thanks for visiting")) ), tabPanel("DATATABLE WITH THE UNDERLYING DATA", h1("This Is The Raw Data Underlying This Analysis"), br(""), DT::dataTableOutput("table1"), #, downloadButton("download_raw_data",label = "Download the Raw Data") ) ) #shiny component shinyApp(ui= ui, server = server)
Now when you want to deploy your, you can deploy on it on
You will have to create an account with them and you can simply deploy straight from your R-Studio.
Watch this quick video on youtube on a quickway to deploy your shiny app.
Hopefully , this will give you a taste of shiny apps and you can see how useful it will be in your arsenal of tools in your Analytics and Data Science journey.
R Shiny Interactive Web Apps – Next Level Data Visualization – Udemy