Sometimes you want to get some numbers and also percentages for quick analysis. This is a quick simple way to get quick overviews
Sometimes you want to get some numbers and also percentages for quick analysis. This is a quick simple way to get quick overviews
ERDPLUS One tool I generally use when working on a projects, mini tasks and exploration is the ERDPLUS tool . It is quite simple and easy to use. It is a Free tool as well. Below are some diagrams I generated when i first got in contact with with tool. ERD DIAGRAMS: 1. 2. A…
This is a short guide to getting ranking or rating from Microsoft Sql Server customers. Ranking is taken by checking how many times a customer has visited a particular country divided by the total number of travels the customer has made within the database /*make a back up of the recommender rankings table*/ truncate…
Using Subqueries to join 2 more tables which do not have distinct values in a column We want to find the number of Flight bookings by Country, number of Car bookings by Country and the number of Hotel bookings by Country all appearing in one table with same country on one row. We want to…
Sometimes, you would want to split values in a column into separate rows in SQL server. This is a simple guide. Lets check the fields in the table we will be working with. select [orderID] ,[itemType] ,[price] ,[quantity] from [Antrak].[dbo].[ClothingSale] Let’s check the result: We can see that the itemType field has different values…
This is a sample code to use Python to connect to SQL Server Native Client. import sqlalchemy import pyodbc try: import urllib params = urllib.quote_plus(“DRIVER={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};SERVER=.\MSSQLSERVER_ENT;DATABASE=MagicDirect;Trusted_Connection=yes;”) engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(‘mssql+pyodbc:///?odbc_connect=%s”‘ % params) results.to_sql(“clusterSegments”, engine, if_exists = ‘replace’)# except (RuntimeError, TypeError, NameError): print(‘Error in Conneccting’) print(RuntimeError, TypeError, NameError) finally: print(“connected”) People Who Read The…
Analysing ‘Big Data’ from a database with real world data requires retrieving data from the database by writing relevant queries. As part of “Managing Big Data with MySQL” by Duke University on Cousera, I dealt with real world data that comprise hundreds to millions of entries/rows. This is the database of Dillard’s Department stores, specifically, the UA_DILLARDS that contains…
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