data analysis and intrepretation capstone

What is it

This week, I started the Data Analysis and Interpretation Capstone
by Wesleyan University on Coursera. This is the final of 5 course specialisation. The capstone project is expected to take 4 weeks. With each week tackling and doing a major component of the Project work.


What is the objective

The objective of this capstone project is to  allow the candidate to continue to apply and refine the data analytic techniques  learned from the previous courses in the Specialization to address an important issue in society. Hence it helps us to hone our skills further to solving real world problems and scenarios.


Data given 

In this project, we are given the chance to work with industry partners like  the Connection (  and DRIVENDATA ( We are also given access to work on leading world organisations like the World Bank. I chose to work with data on World Bank due to the impact World Bank is making globally.



I am already loving the course and capstone project as I am beginning to appreciate and recognise the link between the previous courses we learned and how to link them to finding solutions to real world and every day issues.


Watch out for my final report upon completion of the capstone project and my final thoughts and feelings about it.


Update: My final report is ready and you can check it out here:

Prediction of Adjusted Net National Income Per Capita of Countries

You can also download my full report as PDF straight into your inbox here:

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