Author: datapandasadmin

Pyodbc Sqlalchemy Python 2 and 3 SQL Server Native Client 11.0

Pyodbc Sqlalchemy Python 2 and 3 SQL Server Native Client 11.0

This is a sample code to use Python to connect to SQL Server Native Client. import sqlalchemy import pyodbc try: import urllib params = urllib.quote_plus(“DRIVER={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};SERVER=.\MSSQLSERVER_ENT;DATABASE=MagicDirect;Trusted_Connection=yes;”) engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(‘mssql+pyodbc:///?odbc_connect=%s”‘ % params) results.to_sql(“clusterSegments”, engine, if_exists = ‘replace’)# except (RuntimeError, TypeError, NameError): print(‘Error in Conneccting’) print(RuntimeError, TypeError, NameError) finally: print(“connected”)

Superset Heroku Installation – Microsoft SQL Server Database Connection on Windows PC

Superset Heroku Installation – Microsoft SQL Server Database Connection on Windows PC

 Clone this github repository into YOUR OWN repository and Edit the link in the file from]( to the link in YOUR OWN CLONED repository eg.]( Now scroll down and COMMIT (save) the changes ALSO edit the requirements.txt file and include any database requirements you want installed . eg pymssql==2.1.3, pyodbc==4.0.21 (this version was generating an…

GDPR- What Is It ? Why You Should Be Concerned And What Actions To Take

GDPR- What Is It ? Why You Should Be Concerned And What Actions To Take

GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) also referred to as the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).  According to the EUGDPR website , The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the most important change in data privacy regulation in 20 years. The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) replaces the Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC and was designed to harmonize…

The sp_execute_external_script (Transact-SQL) Definition And Arguments

The sp_execute_external_script (Transact-SQL) Definition And Arguments

The sp_execute_external_script  system stored procedure is the stored procedure which invokes the external environment to run an external script (either Python or R ) in a T-SQL script. This is quite highlights of the sp_execute_external_script stored and some short notes on it.   let’s quickly look at the structure of the stored procedure sp_execute_external_script @language = N’language,…

Credit Approval Data Set – Predicting Credit Approval Using Logistic Regression and Matching Predictions to DataSet
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Credit Approval Data Set – Predicting Credit Approval Using Logistic Regression and Matching Predictions to DataSet

When someone applies for Credit, it will be unfair to reject those who duly qualify and it might be detrimental to the company to wrongly accept the wrong people.  This is likely to happen if we try to make such decisions based on gut feelings. So how do we use Machine Learning to increase our…

SQLSaturday Manchester 15th July 2017 Event- My Experience

SQLSaturday Manchester 15th July 2017 Event- My Experience

So I was at the SQLSaturday event in Manchester, United Kingdom on the 15th July 2017. According the SQLSaturday website, SQLSaturday is a training event for SQL Server professionals and those wanting to learn about SQL Server. Admittance to this event is free, and most costs are covered by donations and sponsorships.   I would,…

Java Python R SQL Excel Compared Similarities For Data Science and Data Analytics – The Basics
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Java Python R SQL Excel Compared Similarities For Data Science and Data Analytics – The Basics

If you have ever worked with Java, Python, R, SQL, Excel and other Languages on a varied Data Science or Data Analytics projects, you will realise that all these languages have similar syntaxes, or at least, can achieve the same objective with very similar codes.   Below is a comparison and similarities of these various tools…