SQL DQL database

In this quick guide, we will be looking at the simply command structure/syntax of SQL – DQL.

SQL – Stands for  Structured Query Language. It is a language that is used to communicate with a database.

DQL– Data Query Language aspect of  MySQL.

As an Data Scientist or aspiring one,  you will be interacting with lots of databases and SQL will be in the way.

A simple way to remember the simple query structure/syntax of DQL is:







The First 2 KEYWORDS – that is SELECT and FROM are required. The others are optional.

Hence you get:

SELECT  the data you want

FROM these database and tables

WHERE these criteria are met

GROUP (BY) this field

HAVING this property

ORDER (BY) this field or list ;

These keywords are not case sensitive, but it is always a good practice to distinguish them from other words by capitalising them.

And also though you can write them as one full English sentence it is always a good practice to start EACH KEYWORD on a new line.


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