Business Intelligence - BI
Bernard Adabankah

R Shiny App for Mining Fields Evaluation

Presenting your report in an interactive and user-friendly way is a very effective communicative tool which can help you convey message to your audience easily. R is a very powerful analytic tool which helps you to do that with the “shiny” package. Here, I simply look at an app about the Mining Fields Evaluation which was

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Data Science

Some Basic Introduction to Functions and Dates in R

R is a very powerful language used in Data Science, Data Analytics and Stastistics in general. Having a knowledge of how R works will really help in your data analysis projects. This short article takes a snappy look at basic structure of creating a function in R and also a peep at Dates in R.

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R - Programming

Why I learnt and got into R

I was working on a competition about sales forecasting and realised there are a lot of libraries in “R” that do a lot of forecasting and generally make forecasting pretty straight forward.   What is “R” in the first place in the sphere of statistics and Data Science: R is a programming language and

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