Create Oracle Database Table and Specify Some Constraints

The following are the main constraints which can be defined when you are creating a TABLE. I will be using the ORACLE DBMS . Primary key – The primary key of the table to be created. Foreign key – The primary key of some other table which is being referenced in this table to be

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Data Warehousing

Websites to Learn and Practice SQL for Free

You can practise SQL live online for Free. Here are a list of some websites in no particular order. Oracle Live SQL. This site also has lots of examples and tutorials which you can see the codes right there and then SQL Fiddle: You can practise various SQL by major players here as well. w3schools:

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Quick Example and Walk-Through JSON with Python

This is a quick to create a dictionary object , write it to a JSON file and then read back the file and convert it to a dictionary and access the items in the dictionary. Credit to : codebasics.  You can check him out on Youtube In [3]: # lets create a dictionary of books book

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Rank a Place Visited By a Customer- Microsoft SQL Server – T-Transact

This is a short guide to getting ranking or rating from Microsoft Sql Server customers. Ranking is taken by checking how many times a customer has visited a particular country divided by the total number of travels the customer has made within the database   /*make a back up of the recommender rankings table*/ truncate

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Automatically Open Excel and Send Report Using Batch and VBA

  We can use Visual Basic codes to automate some reports in Excel. Below are some simple codes to do this. First this is a batch file to open our Excel report called “data report.xlsm”, assuming the report file is in the same folder as the batch file. You can schedule the time this batch file is

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