Author: datapandasadmin


Generating a Correlation Coefficient – Data Analysis and Intrepretation

Chosen Dataset I will be working with Data from the Gapminder dataset. This happens to be the same dataset I worked with under the Data Management and Visualization course assignments. As elaborated and discussed in under the Data Management and Visualization course assignments, I have chosen to focus on the country, Ghana. Hence I will be particularly interested in…


Running a Chi-Square Test of Independence – Data Analysis and Intrepretation

Running a Chi-Square Test of Independence For the purpose of running Chi Square Test of Independence on the Gapminder dataset I am working on, as indicated in the assignment instruction, I will have to categorize some of my Gapminder quantitative variables into categorical variables. In this sense, I have added another quantitative variable from the Gapminder…


Creating Graphs For The Data – Data Management and Visualization

Background of the Dataset CSV file Used: The background to the Dataset CSV file used has been explained extensively in the week 2’s assignment. Not to bore assessors and readers by repeating everything here again, please simply check the background information from my previous assignment which can be assessed at this link:  OR in tumblr, it can be seen as one…


Making Data Management Decisions – Data Analysis and Intrepretation

Making Data Management Decisions   Background of the Dataset CSV file Used: The background to the Dataset CSV file used has been explained extensively in the week 2’s assignment. Not to bore assessors and readers by repeating everything here again, please simply check the background information from my previous assignment which can be assessed at this link:…


Association Of The Literacy Rate And Life Expectancy & Association Of The Literacy Rate And Income Per Person: The Case of Ghana

Background of the Dataset CSV file Used:   In the GapMinder Codebook the Unique        Identifier = Country Hence in this program, my Unique Identifier = Ghana 1.      There are 3 chosen variables (columns) that are core to my chosen research question which is based on the country Ghana. These are a.       incomeperperson b.      lifeexpectancy…


Choosing a Dataset – Data Management and Visualization

I have gone through all the codebooks and having finished going through all of them I am particularly interested in the GapMinder dataset. From the GapMinder dataset my focus will be on the Life expectancy of a particular country. I have chosen to focus on the country, Ghana. The Life Expectancy of the people of…